DENVER, CO - A Denver area man's shocking airport rant went viral on Tik-Tok after he discovered a United Airlines gate agent was secretly plotting to ruin his vacation plans.
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DENVER, CO – A Denver area man’s shocking airport rant went viral on Tik-Tok after he discovered a United Airlines gate agent was secretly plotting to ruin his vacation plans.

39-year-old Sherman Smith, a recent resident of the mile-high city, discovered a United Airlines gate agent secretly plotted against him to ruin his vacation plans.

Smith’s flight was originally scheduled to depart for Miami at 3:35 p.m. After arriving in the concourse a full hour before the flight’s scheduled takeoff, United texted him that his flight was delayed by two hours. When Smith approached the gate agent for clarification, the agent explained that the incoming aircraft from Yampa Valley Regional Airport was delayed due to bad weather.

During the initial delay, Smith lamented his bad fortune on Facebook. Then, he received a message from a friend that called into question the integrity of the gate agent. “A Facebook friend of mine, who I actually met in person one time, saw my post about my flight delay. He messaged me that his mom’s hairdresser’s son just landed at Yampa Valley Regional Airport,” Smith said. “At that point, I started to become suspicious of the gate agent.”

After the initial delay, United announced another one-hour delay on Smith’s flight. When Smith questioned the gate agent about the second delay, the gate agent repeated her story about the incoming flight’s weather delay.

That’s when Smith knew the gate agent was lying to him and trying to sabotage his family vacation. “Liar, liar, pants on fire!”, he screams in the video. “There is no bad weather near Steamboat Springs. You are lying to me, lying to all of us!”

In the video, the gate agent can be seen keeping a straight face and simply saying, “I’m sorry you feel that way, sir.” The agent, who declined to be identified for our story, confessed to us that it was only her third day in the job. “I knew I would likely be part of a viral airport video someday, but I never expected it to be so soon after starting this job. I’m just thankful that my face mask concealed my identity so that my teenage son isn’t mortified by my Tik-Tok debut.”

Smith surmises that the gate agent targeted his family because he was wearing a Dallas Cowboys t-shirt. “I can’t think of any other reason why this gate agent would deliberately lie to us and prevent the aircraft from departing on time.”

In the end, Smith’s flight was delayed for over four hours. “My kids had to play on their phones in uncomfortable airport seating for several hours instead of playing on their phones in the comfort of our own house. Since we landed late, we were all grumpy the next day, and it ruined our entire vacation.”

United Airlines is looking into the incident and has not disclosed if the gate agent will face penalties for her actions.

The post you are reading is…satire

This work of satire was AI-written / human assisted.

Nancy is a travel enthusiast from Dallas, Texas, who plans vacations like NASA plans rocket launches and enjoys torturing her kids with compulsory sunset photo sessions

7 replies on “Man Discovers Airline Gate Agent Plotted to Ruin His Vacation”

  1. You may have your facts off – perhaps it was, “12-year-old Sherman Smith, posts on Facebook and Tik-Tok complaining about flying delays, and the failure to provide an adult chaperone…. “

  2. He had a cowboy jersey on. Completely justified. Should have given him a connecting flight through Philly. I understand missing this opportunity, because you only had 3 days.

  3. The horror of sitting in an Air Conditioned Airport and Playing on electronics!! Try a covered wagon across America and hunting for your own food. Your children will likely be entertained.

  4. I can’t believe the author is really this naive. It is a rare day when GAs provide the real reason for flight delays.

    Nobody “plotted” to ruin a vacation and credible bloggers should explain how airlines handle delays instead of amplifying bogus complaints. 4 hour delays are par for the course this summer. Deal with it.

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