SAN DIEGO, CA - Despite widespread repeals of mask mandates for federal transportation one airport parking shuttle is steadfastly hanging on to its mask requirements.
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SAN DIEGO, CA – Despite widespread repeals of mask mandates for federal transportation one airport parking shuttle is steadfastly hanging on to its mask requirements.

Travelers across the country rejoiced when a federal judge declared mask mandates unconstitutional. Almost immediately, travelers in airports on planes and in taxis, ubers and shuttles were ripping their masks off with a defiant hooray. Well, almost all of them were.

One airport parking company is steadfastly hanging on to its own mask mandate. The Park and Go-By! parking garage is located near the San Diego Airport (SAN) and shuttles hundreds of passengers to and from the airport each day. However, despite the mask mandate repeal along with local repeals the privately owned company just isn’t letting go.

With a defiant placard prominently displayed inside each shuttle, the bemasked drivers are vigilant in enforcing their own mask mandate. “Not on our watch,” remarked driver Cynthia Flores, who also didn’t help load any of her passengers’ luggage. “Not today, folks, NOT TODAY.”

When asked to respond to TTN reporters, the owner of the small parking garage offered this statement: “Here at the Park and Go-By! we are committed to the safety of all mankind. We are not interested in science, or laws, or fogged-up glasses. We. Know. Better. And we are sticking to this for at least the next 13 years.”

Lee is the brains (but definitely not the looks) of The Takeoff Nap. When he's not complaining about upgrades he runs a few travel blogs, but this one is his favorite.

8 replies on “Airport parking shuttle really holding on to the facemask mandate”

  1. Literally says on the back of the box where you buy these things “…. does not work against COVID-19 or any other viruses…”. It only stops bacteria, not viruses.

  2. Hi Lee. I was on their shuttle just recently when they introduced their new pole dancers that gyrate on the handrails. I was confused as I thought it was a shuttle bus. Only afterwards did I learn about the new scheme for increased ridership (pole dancers). I was genuinely impressed because their routines looked very exhaustive; however, they kept their masks on the whole while (even on the bumpy road that left some passengers in horror by their unnatural gyrations). I applaud them on their Covid hygiene! It was just weird to see dollar bills (and one $20) attached with masks on their g-strings. I hope more people in the future use their hands.

  3. Masks are like wearing a Hijab. I feel like im home in Abbotabad when I am in a all mask environment. It is what it is so we accept and move on with this mask mandate.

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