ATLANTA, GA - After suffering a devastating cyber attack when a hacker guessed a password of Qwerty1234, the IHG cybersecurity team is feeling confident now that they've updated the password to ABC123$.
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ATLANTA, GA – After suffering a devastating cyber attack when a hacker guessed a password of Qwerty1234, the IHG cybersecurity team is feeling confident now that they’ve updated the password to ABC123$.

IHG leadership gathered for a press conference at their Atlanta headquarters to announce more details about the devastating cyber attack they succumbed to just two weeks ago. In the short conference, they shared that a hacker had successfully infiltrated their systems after guessing a password to an internal system. The password? Qwerty1234, which one of the most commonly guessed passwords on the internet.

Despite the embarrassment, the crack cyber security team was confident in their new direction after announcing at the press conference they’d changed the password to ABC123$.

“The addition of a dollar sign, aka a ‘special character’ is known to improve the complexity of passwords thereby rendering it more difficult for hackers to guess,” shared IHG CIO, Irma Dipschintter. “We are confident this new password will not be guessed.”

Minutes after the press conference concluded the IHG website was offline yet again. In its place was a message:

IHG Cyber Attack
IHG Hacked Again!

The post you are reading is…satire. Go change your passwords.

Lee is the brains (but definitely not the looks) of The Takeoff Nap. When he's not complaining about upgrades he runs a few travel blogs, but this one is his favorite.

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